Hi Lars,

Thank you for your review; please see inline.

On 12/22/22 13:22, Lars Eggert via Datatracker wrote:

# GEN AD review of draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-catalog-zones-08

CC @larseggert

Thanks to Russ Housley for the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) review

## Comments

### Section 3, paragraph 2
      Catalog consumers MUST ignore any RR in the catalog zone which is
      meaningless to or otherwise not supported by the implementation.
Russ Housley raised this in his Gen-ART review: What is meant
by "meaningless" here?

The authors haven't had a chance to discuss how to handle this. As to not hold 
up your other comments, we'll address it in response to Russ' posting.

### Too many authors

The document has seven authors, which exceeds the recommended author limit. Has
the sponsoring AD agreed that this is appropriate?

Warren has brought up the same question, and we responded in 
https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsop/cTxb9ajFBTKxg5akAZcwri9Qhyo/ as 

||> Op 30-10-2022 om 11:46 schreef Warren Kumari:
||> > Meta: The document has 7 authors, which exceeds the recommended 5.
||> > While we can approve more, but it requires justification - why does
||> > this document have 7?
||> To guarantee and maximize interoperability we wanted representatives of
||> some of the Open Source authoritative name server implementations (BIND,
||> Knot, NSD and PowerDNS) as well as one operator to be authors on this
||> draft. For two of the Open Source implementations also the persons that
||> did the actual implementation the protocol were added. So it is both to
||> express the endorsement from ISC, CZ.NIC, NLnet Labs , PowerDNS and
||> deSEC, as well as recognition of the actual implementers (which also
||> collaborated intimately on this draft).
||> All 7 authors contributed substantially to the draft's content.

No update has since been received.

## Nits

They have all been corrected. The changes are part of the following PR that 
will be merged along with changes from other reviews: 


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