Speaking only for myself (and definitely not for my employer, GoDaddy)...

On Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 11:45 PM Eliot Lear <l...@lear.ch> wrote:

> On 17.10.22 04:20, Paul Wouters wrote:
> > Basically, .alt is what IETF recommends you should not do, and we
> > should not keep
> > a registry of entries within it.
> We cannot assume that DNS will forever be the only Good approach and
> that all others will forever be Bad. Given that, we as a community are
> obligated to search for better, and to try new things.  As I wrote
> earlier, I do not know that GNS will succeed. I do hope and expect that
> the community will learn something from some deployment experience of
> that protocol so that the next one can be better.
I think that the concerns of namespace and root(s) is essentially this:

   - The Domain Name System has the ICANN Root as its source of legitimacy,
   and the IETF as its standards body.
   - Other namespaces need to be effectively "ships in the night" with
   respect to The Domain Name System
      - This means no interoperation between "not-DNS" and "DNS" at a name
      space layer.
      - Specifically, as long as any other name resolution scheme has no
      overlap with any portion of the DNS tree, what names that other system
      contains is a moot point (even if they superficially appear to collide)
   - The alternative (allowing non-DNS services to also directly
   incorporate the DNS tree) has a high likelihood of causing user confusion
   or worse.
      - Any alternative systems should stand entirely on their own, and
      their success or failure would be possible to objectively assess.
      - The only place where multiple systems (DNS and any non-DNS) should
      be combined is the same place they have always been,
/etc/nsswitch.conf (or
   - Experimentation and development of standards can only happen safely
   when unrelated systems don't overlap or conflict.
   - This suggestion would be the antithesis of the "Good vs Bad"
   viewpoint, and IMNSHO consistent with what DNSOP does already.

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