On Oct 3, 2022, at 3:53 PM, Warren Kumari <war...@kumari.net> wrote:
> As the chairs’ email also  said:
> “We’re well aware not everyone is interested in this work and that the WG has 
> a chronic issue of a full pipeline of documents to consider.” A side meeting 
> to discuss the followup to RFC8244 may provide some energy to work on the 
> problem. 

The chairs' message did not talk about "the followup to RFC8244". When I 
volunteered to set up the side meeting, I assumed it was about RFC 6761. I do 
not see any reason to follow up on the comprehensive list in RFC 8244; it 
stands well on its own.

> It is very unclear that a different WG would attract sufficient mass - yes, 
> many people in DNSOP are tired of this topic, but it is clearly an important 
> topic (and in the DNSOP charter), and moving it off to a group where it 
> doesn’t get the required review is not helpful. 

The logic here concerns me. If a different WG cannot attract sufficient mass, 
discussing it in DNSOP with that same insufficient mass wastes many more 
people's time. An insufficient mass is a strong indicator that something cannot 
reach IETF consensus; that is important information.

The fact that it is currently in the DNSOP charter is not terribly relevant: it 
was put there when we were young and hopeful. We then let it fester in the 
denial zone, mouldering until (ed: stop with the gross imagery!)...

--Paul Hoffman

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