It appears that Jeremy Saklad  <> said:
>As an example, take a look at the Wikipedia page on SRV records: 
> Of the
>19 examples of usage, at least 7 use service names that are not in IANA’s 
>registry. One, Matrix, even squats on an unrelated service that IS registered 
>with IANA.

It's a reasonable concern, but if people aren't willing to make the
very modest effort to register a service name with IANA, just filling
out a form on their web site, it seems unlikely that they would be
willing to do anything other than continus to squat.

I'd suggest instead registering names you know about, or enouraging people
using them to do so.  For "matrix" it looks like the current registration
is abaondned, so it might be possible to arrange to replace that with one
that is in active use.


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