On 22 Aug 2022, at 16:05, Paul Hoffman wrote:

On Aug 22, 2022, at 2:41 AM, Andrew McConachie <and...@depht.com> wrote:
Why not allow unicode or at least some subset of it?

It already does. The DNS is a binary format with a common assumption (but not requirement!) of LDH characters.

This is the bit that confused me. Because when I read the draft Section 3.2 says:

   The "Name" column lists each
   name in the non-DNS protocol that would appear immediately to the
   left of the .alt pseudo-TLD.

This sentence is talking about presentation, but I believe you’re saying the registry will hold the wire format. Wireformat is the better choice.

The only restriction that seems reasonable to me is prohibiting zero length strings. This list convinced me other restrictions would be a bad idea.


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