It appears that Tim Wicinski  <> said:
>as someone who looks at lots of caching resolver logs, you could add .local
>to this.
>But even those query loads are not what I consider a problem .

It's not the query loads, it's the data leakage.  I gather that the stuff
that leaks out to public DNS .CORP queries is quite amazing.


>On Sun, Aug 14, 2022 at 11:06 PM John Levine <> wrote:
>> It appears that Stephen Farrell  <> said:
>> >Works for whom? I think it's entirely possible for the GNU
>> >people to come up with something they think works that does
>> >not break anything. Personally, I'm not convinced they're
>> >right about the first part, but I'm happy enough about the
>> >second.
>> Depends how you feel about .GNS queries escaping into the
>> real DNS when they don't anticipate all of the ways people
>> will use their stuff.
>> Dunno if they think that's a problem ("you need to configure
>> your software right") but I am pretty sure that people who
>> have seen what leaks from .CORP and .HOME believe it would be
>> a big problem.

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