Folks -
It's either time to put a stake through the heart of this DNS vampire
that rises from the grave every 6 months, or to push it for
publication. Given that in 8 years it has yet to gain enough traction
for publication, perhaps we de-adopt the draft back into the caring
hands of its author? E.g. - back to draft-kumari-something. Or
contribute to some flowers for a final burial?
In any event, having looked at this for the first time thanks to the
announcement, and reading the proposed use, why isn't this reserving
something like "%ALT" or some other string containing an illegal DNS
Later, Mike
On 6/14/2022 3:51 AM, wrote:
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
This draft is a work item of the Domain Name System Operations WG of the IETF.
Title : The ALT Special Use Top Level Domain
Author : Warren Kumari
Filename : draft-ietf-dnsop-alt-tld-15.txt
Pages : 11
Date : 2022-06-14
This document reserves a string (ALT) to be used as a TLD label in
non-DNS contexts. It also provides advice and guidance to developers
developing alternative namespaces.
[Ed note: Text inside square brackets ([]) is additional background
information, answers to frequently asked questions, general musings,
etc. They will be removed before publication. This document is
being collaborated on in Github at:
wkumari-dnsop-alt-tld. The most recent version of the document, open
issues, etc should all be available here. The authors (gratefully)
accept pull requests. ]
The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:
There is also an htmlized version available at:
A diff from the previous version is available at:
Internet-Drafts are also available by rsync at
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