
On 22 Mar 2022, at 14:43, Hugo Salgado wrote:
> On 14:02 22/03, Ralf Weber wrote:
>> However missing data might make it impossible for a name server to answer 
>> with the correct (referral) glue data.
>> And maybe add some encouragement or referral ;-) to work that has to be done 
>> elsewhere.
> The problem is with SIBLING glue records. The in-domain glues are of
> course required and included in the zone.
No, the problem with missing data is general. The (referral) glue records are 
required, but it is possible to not supply them and break resolution. I think 
in general a name server can only serve what it is given. So if you have a zone that has IN NS IN NS

that is valid data even if you check in zone glues (and not all servers check 
that on load and the ones that do usually just issue a warning). It is very 
easy to create wrong zone data that will lead to resolution errors, and there 
is nothing an authoritative name server can do once it has accepted that data. 
I actually just loaded the above example in Akamai AuthServe, ISC bind and 
NLNetLabs NSD and all of them loaded it, and I could also load them even 
without line on all of them.

So if we say that we don’t put requirements on data or data generators 
(registries) than we have to spell out that even a server that follows this 
draft/RFC might not be able to serve answers according to the draft/RFC when 
the data is not correct.

So long
Ralf Weber

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