As a follow-up to the thread last week, I created a fairly short draft that 
describes DNSSEC in a single document and calls it a BCP. See:

Based on the list discussion, I spoke with Warren about the idea of a 
short-lived separate WG for this effort. He said (quite correctly) that doing 
so would be a hard sell to the IESG, and thought that I should just propose 
that it be adopted here in DNSOP when the adoption window opens again.

In the meantime, anyone interested can make suggestions on how to improve the 
draft so that it is nice and shiny when it come to the WG for adoption. I have 
listed a GitHub repo in the abstract, and can take issues and pull requests; 
you can also just send me email. I'll rev the draft often based on what I hear.

--Paul Hoffman

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