On Nov 29, 2021, at 11:48 AM, Joe Abley <jab...@hopcount.ca> wrote:
> The idea of modifying the protocol to accommodate namespaces outside the DNS 
> is causing me to throw up in my mouth a bit, to be honest. Perhaps the DNS 
> could just concentrate on being the DNS and other namespaces can fight their 
> own battles?

This bit of wrong text originates with RFC 6761:
   5.  Authoritative DNS Servers:

       Are developers of authoritative domain name servers expected to
       make their implementations recognize these names as special and
       treat them differently?  If so, how?

   6.  DNS Server Operators:

       Does this reserved Special-Use Domain Name have any potential
       impact on DNS server operators?  If they try to configure their
       authoritative DNS server as authoritative for this reserved name,
       will compliant name server software reject it as invalid?  Do DNS
       server operators need to know about that and understand why?
       Even if the name server software doesn't prevent them from using
       this reserved name, are there other ways that it may not work as
       expected, of which the DNS server operator should be aware?

#5 explicitly talks about expectations on developers of authoritative *DNS* 
servers dealing with names that are not in the DNS. In retrospect, this was 
probably a mistake. (In retrospect, that mistake was probably caused by 
exhaustion from the discussion.)

Despite the nausea-inducing of Peter's suggestion, I think folks here need to 
deal with it, if for no other reason than RFC 6761 still being a standard.

--Paul Hoffman

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