On Mon, 2021-11-29 at 14:16 -0500, Paul Wouters wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Nov 2021, RFC Errata System wrote:
> > Original Text
> > -------------
> >   5.  Authoritative DNS Servers: Authoritative servers MUST respond to
> >       queries for .onion with NXDOMAIN.
> > Corrected Text
> > --------------
> >   5.  Authoritative DNS Servers: Authoritative servers MUST respond 
> > non-authoritatively to
> >       queries for names in .onion.
> > The original text for 5 and 6 is conflicting. A name server cannot respond 
> > with NXDOMAIN (which is an authoritative answer) without having a zone 
> > configured to serve that NXDOMAIN from. Clearly the intent of the text is 
> > that clients will not find authoritative answers to .onion queries anywhere 
> > in the DNS.
> The corrected text does not describe what to return though. I guess the
> text implies REFUSED, but perhaps the WG reasoned this was not good as
> it would lead to more queries to other servers or instances of the
> authoritative server set?

Yes, it implies REFUSED. I was unsure REFUSED was standardised, or
whether it is still a convention that almost all auths happen to
follow. REFUSED would indeed lead to resolvers trying other auths
(although that seems a bit theoretical - where did the resolver even
come up with the idea to ask a bunch of auths about .onion names?).

I also now realise that the root servers do not honour my new text, and
their behaviour -is- correct, so perhaps:

5. Authoritative DNS Servers: Authoritative servers (other than the
root servers) MUST respond non-authoritatively to queries for names in


> So I agree the Original text has an issue. I haven't been convinced yet
> the suggested solution is the right one. After all, we are talking about
> "special domains", so perhaps it does warrant an NXDOMAIN despite that
> normally being used only within an authoritative context.

I don't think we should be prescribing extra code paths in
authoritative servers in this document, and I think non-authoritative
NXDOMAINs would be very confusing. In particular, resolvers would not
believe them anyway.

That all said, I can certainly see that other texts than my suggestion
could make sense.

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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