On Jul 28, 2021, at 08:22, Joe Abley <jab...@hopcount.ca> wrote:
> I tend to agree with this. 
> There are a lot of ways a delegation can be non-functional (for example the 
> circle of dependencies can be as big as you like, can incorporate third 
> cousin twice removed glue, etc) and it makes more sense to me to let all of 
> these cases fail rather than incurring the cost of papering over just some of 
> them in the authority server.

Do you want dns servers to spend extra CPU power to lookup whether this is a 
“non-functional” glue case instead of spending less CPU just looking if it has 
a glue record and adding it?

If the latter, should it do this extra work of things don’t fit to determine 
the usefulness of TC=1 for this to set it depending those circumstances or just 
set TC=1 based on size ?

> From this perspective it's a greater kindness to all concerned to fail 
> consistently when such configurations are first deployed.

Is that kindness worth spending more CPU cycles on the auth server?


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