Hi Hugo,

On 6/1/21 4:19 PM, Hugo Salgado wrote:
2.) NSID option
The draft says, RRSERIAL helps "recognize the origin of an answer" (supposedly 
when secondaries are out of sync).

There already is a way to do that, using the NSID option (RFC 5001). It works 
as a part of another query, so no separate query is necessary (dig +nsid ...).

The question here would be why another method for discovering the origin should 
be introduced.

The aim is to recognize the "origin" of a response in the sense of
"data source version". It's complementary to NSID because nsid allows
to recognize the origin in "transport", or "server". They work in
different scopes.

Sure, understood. I'd like to propose to use another word, as "origin" belong to the lexical field 
of "source", "ancestor" etc. and is misleading.

A better word for the text may be "revision" or "version". Maybe even better, we could 
avoid the construct of helping "recognize the origin of an answer" altogether. For example, instead 

   This "RRSERIAL" data allows to debug problems and diagnosis by
   helping to recognize the origin of an answer, associating this answer
   with a respective zone version.

we could just have

   This "RRSERIAL" data allows to debug problems and diagnosis by
   associating an answer with its respective zone version.

This affects the abstract and the introduction.


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