Hi Peter. Just wanted to comment on one issue below:

On 21:27 28/05, Peter Thomassen wrote:
> 2.) NSID option
> ---------------
> The draft says, RRSERIAL helps "recognize the origin of an answer" 
> (supposedly when secondaries are out of sync).
> There already is a way to do that, using the NSID option (RFC 5001). It works 
> as a part of another query, so no separate query is necessary (dig +nsid ...).
> The question here would be why another method for discovering the origin 
> should be introduced.

The aim is to recognize the "origin" of a response in the sense of
"data source version". It's complementary to NSID because nsid allows
to recognize the origin in "transport", or "server". They work in
different scopes.


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