And the 'go read this' reference is

On Tue, 2021-04-06 at 20:29 +0200, libor.peltan wrote:
> Hi Murray,
> if foo.example does not exist and DNSSEC is in place, than the resolver 
> actually, even with the queries "in reverse order", obtains and NSEC(3), 
> proving non-existence for much more.
> For example, the query is, and the authoritative returns an 
> NSEC proving that there is nothing between fa.example and fz.example. Thus, 
> the resolver can later deduct nonexistence not only for foo.example, but also 
> for fun.example and, etc...
> Without DNSSEC, this deduction (called "aggresive NSEC caching") is not 
> possible.
> Cheers,
> Libor
> Dne 06. 04. 21 v 20:11 Murray S. Kucherawy napsal(a):
> > 
> > This would make an ascending tree walk even for something crazy like 
> > "" extremely cheap as the cached NXDOMAIN for 
> > "foo.example" covers the entire subtree, for a caching nameserver 
> > implementing RFC 8020.
> > 
> > Maybe this is discussed somewhere that I missed in the references.  I'm 
> > happy to take a "go read this for the answer" if that's the case.

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk

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