and why is it a RR type at all.  An EDNS option or a opcode is better suited 
for this sort of thing.

> On 12 Sep 2020, at 09:24, Patrick Mevzek <> wrote:
> On 11/09/2020 15:37, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>> Greetings. Puneet and I have an new draft, 
>> <>, that we would like 
>> DNSOP to consider. From the abstract:
>>   This document defines a new DNS RRtype, AUTHINFO, that is used by
> [..]
>> We would like DNSOP to adopt this, and of course we are open to suggestions 
>> on how to improve the protocol.
> I know it is unrelated, but EPP uses authInfo term extensively (for 
> authentication purposes and in practice basically as synonym of "password"), 
> so I really recommend using another name for this record type, because 
> otherwise I am pretty sure somewhere somehow someone will confuse both things.
> Plus, why couldn't this be extended in the future to recursive nameservers as 
> well? In which case, the name should be resolver genre agnostic.
> Maybe something like "CAPABILITIES" or "ABILITIES"?
> (or shorter version)
> -- 
> Patrick Mevzek
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