Greetings. Puneet and I have an new draft, 
<>, that we would like DNSOP 
to consider. From the abstract:
  This document defines a new DNS RRtype, AUTHINFO, that is used by
  authoritative servers to publish information about themselves.  This
  information can be useful because a recursive resolver can determine
  an authoritative server's capabilities, such as whether an
  authoritative server supports the EDNS(0) client subnet extension.

The responses will be signed if the zone for which the server is authoritative 
is signed, meaning that validating resolvers can get authenticated information 
about the server if that would influence how they treat responses from the 

As you might expect from from the authors of the RESINFO draft, the response is 
a JSON blob that can be extended to carry other information in the future as 
resolver operators and vendors think of additional information that would be 
useful to them.

We would like DNSOP to adopt this, and of course we are open to suggestions on 
how to improve the protocol.

--Paul Hoffman

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