On Tuesday, 4 August 2020 23:11:34 UTC Michael De Roover wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry for the late reply.
> I feel concerned about using the term "responder" for a zone transfer
> target. Instinctively it makes me think of a DNS server responding to a
> regular query. In a non-DNS context it would make me think of a first
> responder in e.g. health services. Wouldn't it be unintuitive to use
> this term for a zone transfer?

i borrowed the initiator/responder terminology from iSCSI, and it seems 
intuitive to me. this isn't a client/server situation, because a given host 
might be both a client and a server, in a multi-level transfer graph. we need 
terminology that describes the transaction, and not the host or hosts 
participating in that transaction. we stopped using requester/responder when 
the op codes stopped being limited to just QUERY and IQUERY and STATUS. (in 
other words, UPDATE is technically a request, but not notionally so.)

what's your proposal?


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