
just a factual comment.

While primary/secondary = master/slave is indeed a recent transition of terms among DNS community, and I agree that this should be handled carefully when writing new RFCs,

parent/child is a different relation: `com.` domain is the parent of `example.com.`.

I haven't heard about "main".



Dne 22.07.20 v 01:00 Michael De Roover napsal(a):

I've read through RFC 8499, and found some things I considered odd. Particularly page 14 and 19 which describe the "master files" and the "primary" and "secondary" servers.

In most of the DNS-related documentation I've read so far, the "master files" are often called zone files. I find it strange that in the RFC this is only acknowledged, rather than defined into its own term and prioritized.

Regarding the primary and secondary servers, it's a fair euphemism but this among further fracturing of nomenclature in other projects makes this definition very fragmented (master/slave is now primary/secondary, main, parent/child, etc). This is something I find unnecessary and harmful, as it creates confusion while merely redefining the same. It also unnecessarily obsoletes older documentation. Newcomers to the DNS could become confused. I was very confused when I recently built my own DNS server infrastructure.

The discussion regarding these tends to get emotional and political, but I feel like these should be kept outside of standards bodies. Just like we are still stuck with 29.97 Hz refresh rates on televisions from implementations half a century ago, these changes could also affect those half a century from now on.

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