Donald Eastlake <> writes:

> My apologies for getting in some minor comments so late. I do not
> suggest any technical changes.  However, at least to my eye, there are
> some little glitches and editorial changes I would suggest.

Thanks for the detailed review, comments and suggestions Donald.
Responses inline below.  Any thing *not* mentioned below should consider
accepted :-) A few of the editorial changes I left unchanged as well,
since I suspect the RFC Editor will likely make the final call on
whether commas are needed in certain spots when you and I disagree on
whether they're needed or not.

The full diff of changes from applying your changes can be found here:

> [deletion of the rfc editor note]

I  left this in, since it easily flags where help is needed.


You removed "and even" but I'm leaving it in, since there was a lot of
discussion around NOERROR and how that seemed odd to people.  The
extract "and even" text helps calls needed attention to it, IMHO.

> "Because long EXTRA-TEXT fields may trigger truncation,
>  which is undesirable given the supplemental nature of
>  EDE."

I left this sentence as a hybrid of what you suggested (removing most of
the second half), leaving in the supplemental component since I believe
that also is a subtle thing that should be called out.  Maybe others
believe your text is better though?

I left in your suggested "on the ... [IANA] web page as follows:", but
I'm not sure that's the right text either.  We want the creation of a
registry, which *happens* to be listed on a web page as well.

I also do not add the "reserved" section since the IANA ranges were
discussed extensively and the current number ranges are the result of a
consensus I didn't want to have one person change without a lot of
backup agreement.

Wes Hardaker

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