On 1/6/2020 9:36 PM, John Levine wrote:
In article <7f298591-09b5-dd7c-0dab-afc60def8...@nthpermutation.com> you write:
OK.� The point is not to self-approve, but to get a few other
non-authors to actually see if they can figure out what you're talking
about here and whether they're ever going to see this use case.��� E.g.
reach out to the consumer side for each of the 4 cases and see if you
can get some idea of a) would they actually use this, and b) what would
they do if validation failed or succeeded?
Hi again.  I actually do cases 1.3.1, 1.3.2, and 1.3.4 and would use
ZONEMD in all of them, particularly if someone else wrote the verification 
(I never said I wasn't lazy.)

In my applications I don't think performance would be an issue.


Hi John -

Could you give me a b) for each of these please?   E.g. How does ZONEMD make your life better in each of these and what would happen if you - in a future world - were getting ZONEMD data and validation failed?

Later, Mike

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