On 16 Aug 2019, at 14:28, Erik Kline <e...@loon.com> wrote:

> https://www.iana.org/assignments/special-use-domain-names/special-use-domain-names.xhtml#special-use-domain
> <random>
> I have wondered whether or not it would be useful for IANA to have a git repo 
> where these canonical data could live alongside scripts that transform them 
> into things like C #include header files and zone file formats and so on.
> </random>

Since the nice IANA people have already made most (all?) of their registries 
available at stable URLs as XML, perhaps a collection of useful curated scripts 
such as you describe don't need to be kept in the same place as the data.

A script could be maintained in github to consume


and produce things like

  special-use-domain-names.mp4 (the movie!)

without having to do any extra work on the IANA side. Well done to the IANA 
team for doing this, by the way. Having registries available in any structured 
format (even XML! :-) is a great improvement over the earlier text-based 


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