On 16 Aug 2019, at 10:59, Steve Crocker <st...@shinkuro.com> wrote:

> At the risk of revealing that I haven't been following this thread carefully, 
> I don't understand how a resolver is supposed to know all of the special 
> names.  Resolvers that are configured to know that invalid, local, onion, and 
> test are special will not know about the next name that's put on the special 
> list.

The pragmatic answer right now is that vendors and package maintainers do a 
good job with their default configurations. DNS software tends to get upgraded 
frequently enough in applications with significant user bases that this goes 
some of the distance.

I can see your point though that there might be some merit in having a way to 
retrieve a current list, or at least telling whether the list you have is 
up-to-date. I don't know that I think it's a particularly pressing problem 
though (I think DNSSEC trust anchor distribution for the root zone is higher up 
the priority list, for example).


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