On Monday, 22 July 2019 20:45:43 UTC Andrew Campling wrote:
> ...
> [AC] This would be helpful given it appears some (all?) DoH resolvers have
> indicated that they will not pass sufficient information to (rival) CDN
> vendors to allow geographic routing.  Clearly if this is commonplace then
> performance gains from DoH, if any, could be lost from an end-user
> perspective due to inefficient routing of content.  
several people have disagreed with my public statements that "everyone should 
run their own rdns, don't use quad-anything" on the basis of the blender 
effect. when i tell them about ECS they stop talking, which is too bad, 
because they then don't get to hear the stories of how /32 and /128 are the 
default ECS subnet size for many ISP resolvers.

apparently ECS creates problems for privacy, but _how could we have 


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