Joe Abley <> wrote:
> There is hence an operational risk that data will leak (e.g. by
> configuration changes, software downgrades that are pragmatic
> necessities, side systems that publish zone data in ways other than the
> DNS).
> By keeping data that is already exchanged over a (manual) out-of-band
> channel separate, and not packaging them up with zone data, the existing
> segregation of private vs. public is preserved and the task is simply to
> automate a process that is currently manual.

Yes. It might make sense to put secret keys in catalog zones.

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Cromarty, Forth, Tyne: South 3 to 5, becoming variable 3 or less. Smooth or
slight. Occasional rain, fog patches. Moderate, occasionally very poor.

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