Hi Witold,

On Jul 8, 2019, at 16:05, Witold Krecicki <w...@isc.org> wrote:

W dniu 08.07.2019 o 19:20, Wessels, Duane pisze:

> One more thing - this feature is intended for operators, not for regular
> users. We should have more tolerance for shootfooting features there.

I don't have anything extra to add to my earlier observations and I understand 
in general the points you are making.

One small thing though, on your text above -- I'm not sure precisely what you 
mean by those words, but it seems possible that you're distinguishing between 
large, commercial DNS service operators and others who might be smaller, 
non-commercial, hobbyist, amateur, or something.

I think we should be careful about specifications that appear to promote 
centralisation or otherwise make assumptions about what particular kinds of 
operators can or will do. I think our audience includes the full spectrum. (I 
also don't think small, hobbyist operators have any kind of monopoly on 
operational accidents, having been involved in more than a couple large-scale 
events in my time.)

If we can design protocols that can fail in a safe way, I think we should, 
regardless of whether we imagine safety shoes are being worn.


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