On Jul 8, 2019, at 1:27 PM, Michael J. Sheldon <mshel...@godaddy.com> wrote:
> I agree it's somewhat legit to answer for it, but it's a literal
> maintenance nightmare when you're dealing with a very large number of
> zones. Things like that tend to get put in place, then never removed.

Right, but as I said, it’s dead easy to automate.   It’s only a maintenance 
nightmare because you haven’t done that automation.   I could write you a 
python script to do it in a week.   And registrations cost money, which means 
that they will go away on their own.

> And it still leaves the issue that recursives should not just keep
> hammering the lame delegations when they've gotten a REFUSED response.
> That is a definitive legitimate response, and should be honored for a
> reasonable period of time.

That’s not a solvable problem.  The right solution to this problem is actually 
to set up a way that the operator of an auth server can signal to the registrar 
that the delegation is refused.   If you want to spend some effort on process, 
that’s the place I’d suggest putting it.   Getting every resolver on the 
Internet to stop doing something that every resolver on the Internet currently 
does is not likely to actually change what you experience as an operator in the 
relatively short term.

Also, of course, you mentioned that it didn’t seem legit to respond 
authoritatively, but if we take REFUSED as an authoritative answer, then that’s 
not legit either.

BTW, it would also be perfectly legitimate for an authoritative server that 
doesn’t provide recursion to respond with NXDOMAIN for any query within a 
domain that’s delegated to it, and this would be quite easy to implement, 
although perhaps harder than my python script.   Just do the lookup for the 
delegation, and if it points to you, respond authoritatively.

Although now that I think about this, another problem we’d face here is that 
DNSSEC would break this completely.   If you have a secure delegation, but 
don’t have the ability to sign the zone, you can’t respond authoritatively even 
if the delegation is pointing at your server.   So here the only real fix is at 
the registrar.

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