> On Mar 25, 2019, at 3:47 PM, Olli Vanhoja <o...@zeit.co> wrote:
>> Section 3.2. discussion:  Unless there's a potential benefit to non-apex 
>> ZONEMD records that I'm not seeing, I think it makes sense to forbid them.  
>> Was there a particular thing that could be enabled by that, which prompted 
>> the suggestion?
> I agree with this. I believe it would create unnecessary complexity.
> For example, which records would such a digest cover? Would the apex
> record cover also the records covered by this subdigest?

Matt / Olli,

I'm not aware of anything that could be enabled by non-apex ZONEMD records. My 
preference would be to forbid non-apex ZONEMD records.

I guess my concern was just that it means implementors need to check for this 
and treat the RR type somewhat specially, as they do for SOA and maybe a couple 
other RR types.


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