>> ISTM that it is quite possible that enterprises that deploy their own DoH
>> services could potentially reduce such leakage and gain overall. (I'm
>> assuming here that sensible browser-makers will end up providing
>> something that works for browsers running in networks with split-horizon
>> setups before those browsers turn on DoH as a default at scale.)
> If Enterprise network provides a DoT/DoH server, browser should be able to 
> discover and use the Enterprise DoT/DoH server.

Well until now there has been no discovery mechanism for DoH servers. There is 
now draft adopted by the DoH WG that proposes a discovery mechanism. However 
whether browsers actually use it is another question. Hence the draft by 


> On 12 Mar 2019, at 06:14, Konda, Tirumaleswar Reddy 
> <tirumaleswarreddy_ko...@mcafee.com> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Stephen Farrell <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie 
>> <mailto:stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie>>
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 5:30 AM
>> To: Paul Vixie <p...@redbarn.org <mailto:p...@redbarn.org>>; d...@ietf.org 
>> <mailto:d...@ietf.org>
>> Cc: nalini elkins <nalini.elk...@e-dco.com 
>> <mailto:nalini.elk...@e-dco.com>>; Konda, Tirumaleswar Reddy
>> <tirumaleswarreddy_ko...@mcafee.com 
>> <mailto:tirumaleswarreddy_ko...@mcafee.com>>; dnsop@ietf.org 
>> <mailto:dnsop@ietf.org>; Ackermann,
>> Michael <mackerm...@bcbsm.com <mailto:mackerm...@bcbsm.com>>; Christian 
>> Huitema
>> <huit...@huitema.net <mailto:huit...@huitema.net>>; dns-priv...@ietf.org 
>> <mailto:dns-priv...@ietf.org>; Vittorio Bertola
>> <vittorio.bertola=40open-xchange....@dmarc.ietf.org 
>> <mailto:vittorio.bertola=40open-xchange....@dmarc.ietf.org>>
>> Subject: Re: [dns-privacy] [DNSOP] New: draft-bertola-bcp-doh-clients
>> (This distribution list is too scattered and diverse. Be great if some AD or
>> someone just picked one list for this.
>> In the meantime...)
>> On 11/03/2019 20:43, nalini elkins wrote:
>>> impact assessment that certain changes such as DoH and TLS1.3 will
>>> have on enterprises,
>> TLS1.3 will, I expect, noticeably improve security for an awful lot of
>> enterprises in time.
>> As for DoH, I wonder has anyone done studies on how split-horizon names
>> and access patterns leak today?
>> I don't recall having read that kind of study. I can imagine many ways in
>> which that kind of stuff would leak. I'd be very surprised if it never 
>> happens.
>> I don't know how often it does.
>> For names, leaking once is kinda fatal. For access patterns, I guess one leak
>> exposes an IP address that's interested in a name (e.g. secret-
>> project.example.com) but more would be needed for broader access
>> patterns to be exposed to "foreign"
>> recursives and/or in-band networks.
>> ISTM that it is quite possible that enterprises that deploy their own DoH
>> services could potentially reduce such leakage and gain overall. (I'm
>> assuming here that sensible browser-makers will end up providing
>> something that works for browsers running in networks with split-horizon
>> setups before those browsers turn on DoH as a default at scale.)
> If Enterprise network provides a DoT/DoH server, browser should be able to 
> discover and use the Enterprise DoT/DoH server.
> -Tiru
>> Cheers,
>> S.
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