On 4 Mar 2019, at 23:52, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know how long it takes to get ICANN to 'do something creative' for 
> the root zone, but I'm guessing this isn't always feasible in normal 
> timelines (hours to a day or so).

The IANA created an official, supported mechanism for emergency changes to the 
root zone back in 2010, as part of the project to deploy DNSSEC. The goal was 
to accommodate the needs of TLD managers to do quick changes to DS RRSets in 
the event that some bad signing thing happened. Even without that emergency 
provision, there were examples way back when of out-of-cycle changes were 
pushed through by the root zone maintainer (e.g. a third serial in a single 
day) because of some operational concern. When it comes down to it, all the 
people involved are operational and are good at what they do.

I think TLDs are a red herring here, though. The TTLs on referral responses 
from TLD servers tend to be long and there is no shortage of options for 
diversity and redundancy in the NS set of TLD zones. Developing TLDs that have 
not yet reached a level to be able to engineer in that kind of diversity tend 
not to be the TLDs that are relied upon at the scale of those that have (and, I 
would suggest, serve-stale is not going to save them out from outage anyway). 
Structural instability in such TLDs is probably better addressed by technical 
outreach, support and education than by protocol extensions.

Enterprise zones with low TTLs and with reduced options for authority server 
diversity due to the response-time tricks used to manage their traffic are far 
more likely to be interested in something like serve-stale, especially if their 
revenue is closely correlated with being reachable, and especially if they use 
lots of response-time tricks and want to understand what happens to client 
traffic when there's a DNS blip. From the other side, resolver operators for 
whom DNS non-reachability means a support burden have already implement these 
things. Describing how they work using outside voices seems like a good thing 
for everybody.


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