On 21 Dec 2018, at 11:49, Jared Mauch <ja...@puck.nether.net> wrote:

> On Dec 20, 2018, at 6:20 PM, Wes Hardaker <wjh...@hardakers.net> wrote:
>> + Resolution: we're proposing ASCII to keep the protocol simple and to
>>   match TXT records.  These are not intended to be end user messages
>>   but rather administrative hints for operators.
>> + resulting text:
>>   A variable length, ASCII encoded, EXTRA-TEXT field holding
>>   additional textual information. It may be zero length when no
>>   additional textual information is included.
> We went through some of this in IDR about routing protocols and how to leave
> a partner device a message.  UTF-8 is the supported method.  7-bit ASCII lacks
> language support.

Isn't there some standing IAB advice on this kind of thing, and doesn't it 
strongly recommend UTF-8? Using UTF-8 would also simplify the transformation of 
DNS wire-format parameters into other formats like XML or JSON. Administrative 
hints for operators still need to be human-readable (operators are humans, too!)

All of these issues and more are elegantly eliminated by specifying UTF-8. 
Conversely, I don't see a problem that is solved by choosing US-ASCII.

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