Ted Lemon <mel...@fugue.com> wrote:

Snipped and edited to add numbering for reference...

> 4. Split DNS, DNSSEC, trust anchor required because the hidden zone is
> under or at an unsigned delegation
> 5. Split DNS, DNSSEC, trust anchor required because the hidden zone has
> a secure delegation that won't validate

[ snip lots of stuff I agree with ]

> In cases four and five, you care enough to set up DNSSEC, but either
> can't be arsed to do it right, or don't have control over the delegation
> point and so can't do it right.  In the former case, I would argue that
> we should just say too bad.  In the latter case, we have just protected
> the end user from being attacked by saying too bad.

Case 4 is pretty common for RFC 1918 reverse DNS :-)

Really, I don't think this is (just) a VPN issue: the question of how to
install DNSSEC trust anchors for private zones has not been solved for the
general case, so a VPN-only patch seems premature and unhelpfully specific
to me.

f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
an equitable and peaceful international order

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