On Mon, 5 Nov 2018 at 06:11, Vladimír Čunát <vladimir.cunat+i...@nic.cz>

> On 11/2/18 10:41 PM, Evan Hunt wrote:
> > Speaking as a co-author of ANAME, I agree about this. URI, SRV, a
> proposed
> > new HTTP RRtype, whatever - service lookup is absolutely the correct way
> to
> > accomplish this goal.
> >
> > However, browser vendors are *not doing that*, and I've given up hope
> that
> > they ever will. Trying to out-stubborn them has been ineffective.
> Yes, but I can understand that they're not too inclined - I believe it's
> not easy to portably get information about such RRTYPEs from the OS
> resolver, e.g. I can't see a way in POSIX.  Most http libraries would
> need to deal with this somehow.  It doesn't seem realistic to *wait* for
> OS implementations or even APIs to improve.  Overall it seems quite a
> stalemate, I'm afraid, probably without an "ideal" solution within
> reasonable timeframe.

Can you point to a major browser that does *not* implement its own resolver

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