DNSOP subscribers,

Are there any other publishers of websites on this list who use CDNs in front 
of their sites - and who are interested in the whole “CNAME at apex” issue?

Given the ANAME discussions and other continuing “CNAME at apex” discussions, I 
started putting together a short draft clearly stating the problem statement of 
why we who publish websites want something like CNAME at apex (and why we 
aren’t happy being locked into proprietary solutions).

The issue has been stated multiple times in different email threads (including 
by Paul Vixie just yesterday) … but I thought it would be useful / helpful to 
formally write it down in a draft during these discussions.

Since I’m just one publisher of sites, I’d appreciate anyone else who might 
want to give a sanity check to what I’m writing (and/or potentially sign on as 
a co-author).

I’m about to head to the airport to begin 29 hours of travel to Bangkok, so I 
probably won’t see any responses until I get on the ground there Sunday morning.

See (some of) you in Bangkok,

P.S. The “short draft” I mentioned currently exists only on my laptop, so it’s 
not something you can see anywhere yet.

Dan York
Director, Content & Web Strategy, Internet Society
y...@isoc.org<mailto:y...@isoc.org>   +1-802-735-1624
Jabber: y...@jabber.isoc.org<mailto:y...@jabber.isoc.org>  Skype: danyork   


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