Subject: Re: [DNSOP] Fundamental ANAME problems Date: Fri, Nov 02, 2018 at 
04:03:50PM +0800 Quoting John R Levine (

I'll defer to other people, but it seems to me that anything that depends on
recursive DNS servers being updated isn't a realistic solution.  We're still
waiting for DNSSEC, after all.

Be as pessimistic as you like, but in Sweden, more than 80% of the ISP
resolvers validate. The DNS can change, at a sometimes glacial speed,
but it does change.

Sure, but DNSSEC addresses a huge security problem, and it's taken a decade to get fairly wide adoption. ANAME basically works around a configuration mistake. If we can't solve it in the servers with the configuration problems, it's not worth solving.

John Levine,, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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