Hi all,

Recently I'm engaged in a project on the issue of IPv6 GeoIP for a large
Internet company. IPv6 GeoIP is identified as an notable chanllge to
mitigate their Geolocation-based application to IPv6. I come up with a idea
to summarize the existing practice and propsed technologies into a
information draft. I'm hoping relevant people can help to review it and
share your insight on this issue.

I put it into my Github repo :

Short abstract of this document :

During IPv6 adoption, IPv6 GeoIP is identified as a challenge and speed
bump for content and application operator. Some studies and operational
experiences show that the accuracy of IPv6 GeoIP is relatively poor in
comparison to their IPv4 counterparts. This memo introduces use cases and
approaches to provide better IPv6 GeoIP based on an intuitive idea: if IPv6
GeoIP is not as good as IPv4 GeoIP, why not use dual-stack host's IPv4
GeoIP for IPv6 GeoIP purpose?

I would like to ask :

1) Do you like it or not? Is this document valuable to be published in IETF?
2) If yes , which WG should it belong to? v6ops or dnsop
3) Is there any similar and relevant practice do you observe or operate
now?  What's the major challenges.

Best regards,
DNSOP mailing list

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