On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 12:59 AM, Doug Barton <do...@dougbarton.us> wrote:

> You, like Ted, are looking at the problem the wrong way 'round.

And this, in a nutshell, is why this discussion has gone on so long.   If
you just caricature what the people you're conversing with say, then it's
inevitably going to go like this:

Person A: I think that there are some issues here that we need to consider,
and that your use model is the not the only use model we need to think
Person B: You want the malware operators to take over the Internet
Person A: No, I didn't say that.   I get that your use model makes sense to
you, and we should address your use model.   I'm just saying it's not the
only use model we should address
Person B: Right, you're saying that I shouldn't be able to control what
happens on my network.
Person A: No, I'm really not saying that.   I'm saying we need to consider
other use cases as well.
Person B: So you're saying that we should also consider the use case where
you want to be able to bypass my controls and let the malware operators
control my network.
Person A: No, I'm NOT saying that.   I'm saying that there are legitimate
reasons why people might want to bypass DNS resolvers.
Person B: So you're helping the malware operators.

This is why discussions balloon in the IETF.   So now I have the choice of
either being silenced, or continuing to be Person A in this charade.   I
think I've spoken my peace.   If you want to proceed with this work, please
do not be surprised if, when the call for adoption comes, I come in and say
"I raised substantive objections to this, which were not addressed, so
please do not take this on as a working group item."
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