Hello everyone,

Paul Hoffman:
> We're still not done yet. I took a hiatus from finishing the list of
> definitions that people wanted more scrutiny on, but will start that
> again soon. I hope we'll be done with that list by mid-April and then be
> ready for WG last call.

I noticed that the latest version of the terminology draft includes lame

I ask because my understanding is that there are several flavors of
lame delegation, at least informally. I believe Ed Lewis spent some
time thinking about this long ago when he was updating ARIN's lame
delegation processes.

IIRC the main distinction is between a single NS being lame and all NS
being lame. So you can have a lame server (a single NS) or a lame
delegation (all NS). There may be further details with lameness above
and below the zone cut, or lameness caused by A/AAAA lookups failing
on the NS or lameness caused by the servers not responding.

I don't know if this is documented anywhere so that it can be
referenced properly, sorry. I am happy to discuss further but I think
this basically covers all I know. I don't mind proposing text, but
probably someone (Ed maybe?) would be a better person.



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