On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 2:26 AM, Suzanne Woolf <suzworldw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The current DNSOP charter was deliberately written
> to be flexible in what we could work on. Normally an
> IETF WG is chartered to perform a fairly tightly
> constrained piece of work and then either re-charter
> to an equally specific next work item, or shut down.
> But part of the purpose of keeping DNSOP around
> in a slightly more open-ended fashion was that the
> community seemed to believe that major protocol
> work on DNS was done, but there would still be
> pressure to provide for small tweaks on the wire
> and review Informational documents on
> operational practice such as DNSSEC maintenance.

As Martin Hoffman has pointed out before, this looks very close to
what SIP has faced before. They finally came up with a dispatch WG
[RFC7957], and recently, Security Area also went in that direction. Is
it something dnsop WG might also consider as a viable solution to the
protocol complexity issue?

| Artyom Gavrichenkov
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