I stress, I'm not an author on this one. I'm also heavily biassed by
role and relationship(s) with the authors.

I'm trying to play nice, in that context: I want it shipped. I think
its a net useful contribution.

So, I think your suggestion of guiding words is good. If it was my
draft, I'd welcome them.

But... its not my draft.

I guess .. its "all of us's draft" now. So.. hells yea. Write words.


On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 1:40 PM, Joe Abley <jab...@hopcount.ca> wrote:
> Hi George,
> On Jan 30, 2018, at 21:49, George Michaelson <g...@algebras.org> wrote:
>>> The problem you hit was in BIND. To get around it, you simply add 
>>> "check-names master warn;" to the options.
>> And with this.. he was good again. So, modulo the implementation
>> cost/consequence, I'm good here.
>> But, if this is detail, then I'm back at 10,000ft: noting the IETF is
>> all about detail, are we mostly good here?
>> Because.. I really want this closed off.
> I like it, and I am keen for it to be implemented. I dislike Warren's 
> compromise on xm-- for all the reasons Paul mentioned (but also "oh my god 
> no, please no" just on general principles). I would like it to proceed so we 
> can see the kind of swift implementation that will teach us something about 
> the DNS.
> I made a comment some time ago in response to someone's (Warren's again, I 
> think, but I'm not sure) observed confusion in others about the draft. I 
> recall that I suggested that the draft include some explicit advice for all 
> the various actors here (resolver implementers, zone managers) so that it was 
> more clear who was doing what.
> I'm stil willing to contribute text if anybody cares, since I seem to 
> remember feeling correct about that observation, and I don't *think* I have 
> noticed a rev of the draft since then, but I also didn't notice any other 
> people say anything like that and I'm perfectly willing to be overwhelmed by 
> the silent majority or to have a more recent revision pointed out to me with 
> the patience normally reserved for the young and the dangerously insane.
> Joe

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