At Thu, 07 Sep 2017 10:36:50 -0700,
Wes Hardaker <> wrote:

> > I'm not enthousiastic. We should focus on making the DNS
> > infrastructure more reliable, not on adding something to a pile of
> > already fragile protocols.
> I don't believe we have any ideas how to make infrastructure more
> reliable in the face of DDoS attacks.


If we don't work on a proposal like this, I'd love to see a specific
counter proposal that doesn't violate the current protocol
specification (i.e., using a cached answer beyond its TTL) and still
avoids resolution failure when authoritative servers are forced to be
non-responsive due to huge scale DoS attacks.  Otherwise the more
likely scenario is that some vendors still keep a similar protocol
violation using marketing decoration like "smartness" while other
compliant implementors just look incompetent (and this will be a huge
incentive for the latter group to follow the former, and we'll just
see more proliferation of this violation).

JINMEI, Tatuya

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