On 10.8.2017 07:24, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Aug 03, 2017 at 03:36:24PM -0700, Dave Crocker wrote:
>> deal with that fully, in a single spec produced an especially confused
>> draft, roughly 10 years ago.
> I _think_ I may be one of the people who complained at the time, and
> if I recall correctly what Dave and I agreed about (maybe the only
> thing) was that this was all a terrible mess that needed repair.  At
> the time, I was still too much in thrall to data-theoretic approaches
> to give in on Dave's pragmatic answer.  And I now see that Dave has
> actually described better than I was ever able my objection:
>> I've come to the conclusion that "accommodating" the established
>> registration practices is a fundamentally wrong path.  The only way to solve
>> a problem of multiple registration authorities is to create a single
>> registration authority.
> Yes.
>>    1. Have this document define the simple, sole, authoritative mechanism
>> for registering "top-level" (global scope) underscore names.
>>    2. Create a separate document that specifies modifications to the SRV and
>> URI documents, rationalizing the use of underscore names, through the
>> mechanism defined in -attrleaf-.
> I like this approach.


Petr Špaček  @  CZ.NIC

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