Dear colleagues,
As you might recall, we had a call for adoption for draft-vixie-dns-rpz
just before IETF 98 in March. We had a lively discussion and decided to
adopt the document for further work in the WG as an Informational RFC.
However, the chairs then discovered we’d made a mistake in adopting the
draft with the copyright that reserved rights in derivative works to the
original authors. This isn’t allowed for a Working Group document (see
RFC5378, Section 3.3).
We’ve talked since then with the authors about how we might move forward
with the draft. They had concerns, which had already been discussed on
the list, about some of the views of the WG on the applicability of RPZ.
We believe we’ve found a way forward that meets their concerns and the
needs of the WG. We propose that:
1. The draft adopts the following language in the Introduction:
This document describes an existing and widely deployed method by
which a security policy can be applied to DNS responses, possibly
causing an end system to receive responses that do not correspond to
actual DNS zone content. Such policy-based responses might prevent
access to selected HTTP servers, or redirect users to "walled
gardens", or block objectionable email, or otherwise defend against
DNS content deemed malicious by the RDNS operator and the end-user.
This method describes its policy using a specially formatted DNS
Zone called a Response Policy Zone (RPZ), and is an instance of a
more general mechanism called a "DNS Firewall." Like other
mechanisms called "firewalls," response policy zones (RPZ) can be
used to block both wanted as well as unwanted data. RPZ ought not
be used to interfere with data desired by recipients. In other
words, RPZ should be deployed only with the permission of every
affected RDNS end-users.
This document does not recommend the use of RPZ in any particular
situation or instead of other mechanisms including those more
commonly called "firewalls." This document lacks an applicability
statement for that reason, and because it merely describes a
currently common practice, without recommending or criticising that
practice. By design and expectation, response policy zones (RPZ)
must be seen as a defensive and virtuous tool, or it will either not
be used, or will be bypassed by end-users.
2. We had already limited the the scope of the document to describing
the current protocol, with any discussion of proposed changes left to a
later document if people want to do that work. That limitation stands.
The intended document status is Informational.
3. The copyright is changed to the standard boilerplate required for a
WG draft.
If this is acceptable to the WG, we’ll keep the new draft with these
changes as a WG draft.
If not, the draft will be dropped as a WG item. The authors can seek
publication of the document as an independent submission or outside of
the RFC series.
If you have a comment on this, please make it succinctly and soon.
Suzanne & TIm
DNSOP mailing list