I agree that the errata is correct.

It is maybe suboptimal that wire format for DS/DNSKEY delete-request
was not specified in the document. And I'm not sure if the authors
meant that the digest/public key is zero-length or one-byte long. But
luckily this can prevent some compatibility issues:

Presentation format for DS/CDS just doesn't expect zero-length digest
(as opposed to NSEC3PARAM which uses dash instead of the hex encoded
salt if the salt is zero-length). I tried with Knot DNS and BIND -
both can write DS record in presentation format with zero-length
digest but cannot parse it back. (Try it yourself with
"delete-cds.example.test. IN TYPE59 \# 4 00000000". I haven't trie
with DNSKEY but I expect the problem will be the same.)

The implementers should be careful and avoid the trouble. In this
sense, I think parent zone should accept both zero-length and one-byte
long digests/keys as a request to remove the DS.


On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Matthijs Mekking
<matth...@pletterpet.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 24-06-17 17:45, Ondřej Caletka wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Dne 24.6.2017 v 15:25 Dick Franks napsal(a):
>>> I beg to disagree.
>>> In each case,
>>>        CDS 0 0 0 0
>>>        CDNSKEY 0 3 0 0
>>> the final "0" is a conventional token representing a zero-length key
>>> field. In neither case is it an attempt to specify a single octet key
>>> value.
>> I believe this has been discussed between 04 and 06 versions of the
>> draft in this thread:
>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsop/PsRIQOtd1bxFSEEm9lfv0WaHKeE >
>> The result that made it to the RFC is that there should be indeed one
>> byte with value of 00 in the Digest/Public key field instead of no data
>> at all.
> To be precise: We actually agreed that there should be *one field with the
> value of 0* instead of no data at all.
>> This avoids the need of defining new format and updating all the
>> deployed software. It's not only about parsers of the wire format but
>> also about zone file parsers, that would need an update as the single
>> zero is not conformant with currently defined presentation format of
> I raised the specific issue because the to be RFC 8078 was going to change
> the CDS and CDNSKEY RDATA format from a fixed length RDATA to a variable
> length: In case of the DELETE operation, the Digest in presentation format
> was omitted.
> While I agree with Paul in that thread that we should use all zeros for the
> DELETE operation, I believe it was an oversight that the proper encodings
> (hexadecimal, base64) should be used.
> So to me this errata is valid.
> Best regards,
>   Matthijs
>> I believe changing RRdata format just for this one purpose would add an
>> unnecessary complexity.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Ondřej Caletka
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