BULK has many uses and is not limited to IPv6 namespace.
BULK RRs are intended to both:

   - Simplify management of pattern-based RRs (e.g. $GENERATE)
   - Allow transfer of RR "intention" rather than verbatim RRs

While BULK RRs offer a much greater range of pattern-based RRs
allowing use to multiple quintillions (even a few undecillions)
of IPv6 reverse, their usefulness doesn't stop there.

One example of this might be cloud based environments where
literally hundreds of resources (iSCSI, compute nodes, etc.)
may need hostnames assigned for easy management and functional

Additionally, since BULK RRs can be easily transferred between
nameservers without expansion much smaller zone transfers are

The draft's authors have seen zones with more than 50MB worth
of data (based on $GENERATEs) fail to reliably transfer between
nameservers.  BULK RRs could make a zone like this much more
manageable and reliable across the network and ensure all
copies of the zone remain intact.


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