On 10 Apr 2017, at 1:04, Richard Gibson wrote:

On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 3:56 PM, Peter van Dijk <peter.van.d...@powerdns.com>

This section calls for limiting the TTL of cached address records to the lesser of the ANAME TTL and the TTL of the retrieved address records, but section 3 requires servers to follow chained responses. Are the TTLs of
intermediate records in a chain supposed to be ignored?

What was the response on this point?

Oh, right. I suppose the right answer would be to take the lowest of all involved TTLs.

Right; I definitely think there should be text explicitly defining behavior for timeouts, nonzero RCODEs, and bogus responses received when looking up ANAME targets. Section 4 covers part of it (for recursive servers only), but doesn't define how to determine when "resolution fails" or what to do when not opting to use the accompanying records as a fallback, and there is
no guidance at all for authoritative servers.


*Section 3.2*

The wording of this section could use some improvement. It seems to
prohibit secondary servers from resolving ANAME targets when they are present at the same domain as address types... do I understand correctly?

Yes, that is correct. We went through a few iterations and thought
exercises and this seemed like the optimal behaviour.

Dyn went another way with our ALIAS functionality, reserving same-domain address record sets for fallback data to be used whenever target resolution
doesn't yield records of the appropriate type (including, perhaps
controversially, NXDOMAIN and NODATA empty responses). Assuming a secondary server predating ANAME, the Dyn behavior would be slightly better when the primary server is ignorant of that gap (i.e., the secondary would always
serve fallback data) and identical behavior when it is not (i.e., the
authoritative would pre-expand as the draft specifies in Section 5). It also provides support for multi-type host names with single-type targets, e.g. static AAAA records sharing a domain with an ALIAS targeting a name providing only A records. Where it really shines, though, is in handling
error cases like those discussed above—it was very important to our
customers that they could prevent us from ever issuing cacheable negative
responses. What thought exercises took you in this direction?

Working back from the premise that there -will- be ANAME unaware secondaries, we allow primaries to do the ANAME expansion during outgoing AXFR (or on load, but in any case the secondary gets actual (signed!) A/AAAA records). Thus, such a secondary will simply serve the A/AAAA. To keep things simple, we decided that an ANAME aware auth will do the same, so behaviour is consistent.

The alternative, of defining those records as fallback, means that ANAME aware slaves that -do- receive a pre-expanded A/AAAA set, need configuration knobs to figure out if they should look up the ANAME target or not. We could automate this to a limit - say, if you are a slave, you understand ANAME, and you do not have the private key for the zone, then obviously you have to use what you find in the zone. However, it was my feeling that this would yield more complexity than we want.

Anyway, I will ponder your use case.

As for ‘AAAA from config, A from ANAME’, we’ve been discussing allowing multiple ANAMEs at a node, and then you could do something like this:

www.example.com. ANAME www-v6.example.com.
www.example.com. ANAME example.com.my-cdn.com
www-v6.example.com. AAAA 2001:db8::80

Are such address records still subject to TTL decrementing (presumably starting at the time of zone transfer)? And when only a single address
is present (e.g., just ANAME and A), does that still prevent resolution of
the ANAME target for the other type?

(1) Yes, they are still subject to TTL decrementing, but if the slave is not ANAME-aware, no decrementing will happen and the draft allows this, if
we wrote it all down correctly.
(2) Yes, when any address records are present, the ANAME is deemed to have already been expanded. If A is there and no AAAA, then this means that
there is in fact no AAAA to be had.

I understand the motivation, but there's an interesting wrinkle with
respect to forward compatibility... what happens when a new address type is added to the DNS? The assumption that pre-expansion of any address type implies pre-expansion of all address types seems like it could lead to some
dramatic changes in behavior as primary servers, secondary servers,
resolvers, and targeted zones become aware of the new type in a nonuniform
fashion. Has any consideration been given to that concern?

Not by me so far, I’ll readily admit. Will ponder.

On a related note, should recursive resolvers query for ANAME targets even
when they *don't* correspond to A or AAAA QTYPEs?

Probably not.

It is also mute on the use of DNSSEC for resolving ANAME target records,
but that should probably be covered somewhere.

This is an interesting topic actually. There are existing deployments of PowerDNS ALIAS (which of course is quite similar to ANAME) that use it instead of ‘CNAME to unsigned’ so they can sign the target addresses (that they get via a non-DNSSEC but still secure path). This draft should also allow that. If you have suggestions for a section on ANAME target resolving
and DNSSEC, please let us know.

Addressing the above points to explicitly define behavior for bogus
responses will cover the functional requirements, so this will likely take the form of MAY or SHOULD guidance for using DNSSEC when resolving ANAME


Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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