Dear Evan & Authors,

Can you add a RFC 7942 section to this document?

Pending an IANA Early Allocation, I expect these implementations to be
residing in private / beta branches until a DNS RR data type value has
been assigned.

I think it will be beneficial for the working group dialogue to have an
overview of running code.

Kind regards,


On Fri, Apr 07, 2017 at 06:11:39PM +0000, Evan Hunt wrote:
> Greetings,
> Here's the new ANAME draft I mentioned last week.
> This is similar to existing non-standard approaches (ALIAS records,
> CNAME-flattening, etc) but also sends the ANAME record to the resolver so
> that, if the resolver understands the ANAME type, it can re-query for the
> answer just as it would with a CNAME.
> Please have at it.
> ----- Forwarded message from -----
> From:
> To: Evan Hunt <>, Peter van Dijk <>,
>       Anthony Eden <>
> Subject: New Version Notification for draft-hunt-dnsop-aname-00.txt
> Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2017 11:04:39 -0700
> A new version of I-D, draft-hunt-dnsop-aname-00.txt
> has been successfully submitted by Evan Hunt and posted to the
> IETF repository.
> Name:         draft-hunt-dnsop-aname
> Revision:     00
> Title:                Address-specific DNS Name Redirection (ANAME)
> Document date:        2017-04-07
> Group:                Individual Submission
> Pages:                10
> URL:            
> Status:
> Htmlized:
> Htmlized:       
> Abstract:
>    This document defines the "ANAME" DNS RR type, to provide similar
>    functionality to CNAME, but only redirects type A and AAAA queries.
>    Unlike CNAME, an ANAME can coexist with other record types.  The
>    ANAME RR allows zone owners to redirect queries for apex domain names
>    in a standards compliant manner.
> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
> until the htmlized version and diff are available at
> The IETF Secretariat
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> -- 
> Evan Hunt --
> Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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