On Monday, April 3, 2017 7:48:49 PM GMT Paul Wouters wrote:
> ...
> As Evan said, there should not be any code in an authoritative server
> that requires it to do recursive validation.

in the internet dns as practiced, our choice is not whether an idea thought by 
some to be "bad", as in, "a bad idea", will be widely implemented.

our only choice is whether such ideas are documented, interoperable, and 
subject to fine tuning by the rest of the community.

as someone who finds most ideas bad, i often wish this weren't so. as someone 
whose ideas are often thought to be bad by others, i am often glad that this 
is so.

in any case, it is so. ideas, good or bad, plus implementation, creates 
relevance. that relevance stands independent of the perceived goodness or 
badness of the ideas themselves.

with or without an applicability statement, the underlying message of an rfc 
from the dnsop working group is not "we think this is good engineering" but 
rather "if you want to do this in a way that interoperates with others who are 
also doing it, here is one way to achieve that result."

so, phrases like "should not be" are irrelevant in this place at this time.


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