Hi Dan,

On 3 Apr 2017, at 21:40, Dan York wrote:

I very much like the idea of this draft, given that I use multiple DNS hosting providers who all have their own unique (and proprietary) way of doing "CNAME flattening at the apex". I think the reality of today's user experience with domain names is that we are increasingly dropping the "www" or any other kind of second-level domain. So we want to talk about our sites as "example.com<http://example.com>" ... but as the publisher we want to use CDNs, load balancers and other systems that need us to use a CNAME. A standardized way of doing this would be helpful.

Thank you for your kind words. As I said in another post indeed, I hope this draft (assuming it becomes an RFC) will remove one point of suffering for those who use multiple DNS providers.

One comment...

On Mar 30, 2017, at 7:13 PM, Evan Hunt <e...@isc.org<mailto:e...@isc.org>> wrote:
> (Incidentally, I'm working on a somewhat more ambitious ANAME draft with > Peter van Dijk and Anthony Eden, who has kindly agreed to merge his efforts
> with ours. I expect to post it in a few days, stay tuned.)

... I think it would be helpful for the new draft to have a few examples of what the RR would look like in a zone file. (This was the one component I found missing from Anthony's ALIAS draft.)

Our current draft-draft does not have that yet but I fully agree. I find many published RFCs are lacking in examples and test vectors, and I’ll make sure we do better on this.

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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