On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 11:14 AM, Pieter Lexis
<pieter.le...@powerdns.com> wrote:
> Hello Anthony,
> On Wed, 29 Mar 2017 08:51:50 -0500
> Anthony Eden <anthony.e...@dnsimple.com> wrote:
>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dnsop-eden-alias-rr-type/
>> This draft describes the ALIAS/ANAME record (aka CNAME-flattening)
>> that numerous vendors and DNS providers are now supporting in
>> proprietary fashions. I hope that this draft will eventually lead to a
>> good mechanism for interop of ALIAS/ANAME records.
> First off, thank you for this. I would love to hear from current implementors 
> of ALIAS/ANAME/CNAME-flattening what their ideas/critisisms are.
> This said, I have several comments after a first quick read of the document.
> There is no mention of the fact that ALIAS is mostly meant for zone apexes 
> where other records MUST be present and a CNAME cannot exist. CNAMEs would 
> cover non-apex usecases for ALIAS.

As Tony pointed out, there are use cases for non-apex nodes as well.

> I miss guidance what should happen when an ALIAS record is queried directly 
> (would it be returned, should it be refused, should it be an empty response?).

It's a good point. Our implementation doesn't expose the ALIAS itself
as a queryable type, but there is a legitimate argument to allow it.

> I miss words on the interaction between ALIAS records and other (mostly A and 
> AAAA) records on the same node.

+1. In our case we would return both the static records as well as the
materialized records.

> Section 3.1
> "The server will respond with one or more A records", I fail to see why this 
> cannot be zero or more. Am ALIAS target without A or AAAA records should 
> yield an empty response from the authoritative server.

Good point.

> "If the recursive query returns an NXDOMAIN response, then the authoritative 
> name server MUST return an NXDOMAIN response as well.". If any other records 
> exist (which is always the case for the apex), or if there are labels 
> underneath the ALIAS'es name, the authoritative server cannot send out 

Also a good point. I actually need to check our implementation to see
how it behaves now in this case.

> Section 3.3
> This section has 2 similar paragraphs, one with should and the other with 

Yes, I am removing the extra paragraph and going with MUST.

> Asking directly for a CNAME for a node that only has an ALIAS record should 
> yield a response indicating that RRType does not exist at that node.

I agree.

> Again, thank you for starting this draft. I support adoption of this draft in 
> the dnsop WG to facilitate better interop between 
> ALIAS/ANAME/CNAME-flattening implementors.

Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it.


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